China Mastery Colombia 2022

Photo: Imports. Source: Pxhere.

China Mastery Colombia 2022 is an import event that reaches the city of Bogota thanks to Valeria Bernardo to promote entrepreneurship through the business of imports from China and the United States.

Valeria Bernardo, organizer of the event and e-commerce expert, mentions that e-commerce has opened up a world of possibilities for brands and businesses that have been able to grow by using the Internet to distribute their products under their own imported brand. Valeria has organized ‘China Mastery Colombia’ to introduce Colombian ventures to international trade. The event will take place on May 21 and 22 in Bogota, where people will learn step-by-step how to launch their own brand in China and successfully import everything from their first boxes to containers via air and sea. Bernardo says that they will learn the entire negotiation process, from the search for suppliers to pay for goods. They will also have access to the complete list of alliances for economic shipments and customs agents.”

Main story:

“ÚLTIMA HORA COL” account on Instagram: Se trata de ‘China Mastery Colombia 2022’, un evento de importaciones que llega únicamente a Bogotá de la mano de @valeria_bernardo_oficial….”
