China outstrips the US with its imports to Colombia

Photo: Port in Cartagena, Colombia. By: Piqsels. Source: Piqsels

At the beginning of the current year, the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE) revealed data on imports between January and November 2021, estimating that imports totaled US$6,545 million, which meant an annual growth of 56.3%, one of the highest in recent years.

The manufacturing sector was the leading sector for such imports, with a value of US$42.277 billion over the eleven months.  It was followed by the agriculture sector, and the fuels and extractive industry products. The most surprising aspect of this study was that, for the first time in eight years, China leads annual imports to Colombia, ranking above the United States with 24%. Laptop computers were another major import item, totaling US$864 million.

Main Story:

La República. Andrés, D:  Importaciones crecieron 39,5% a noviembre y tocaron su pico más alto en siete años.

Find out more:

El Espectador, Redacción Economía: Importaciones de Colombia crecieron 39,5 % a noviembre de 2021.


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