XIV China – Latin America and the Caribbean Business Summit

Photo: X China – Latin America and the Caribbean Business Summit in Peru, 2016 By: Ministerio de la producción de Perú. Source: Flickr

The annual XIV China-Latin America and the Caribbean Business Summit, first held in 2007, was held this year on November 16 and 17, in the city of Chongqing. The Summit connected Chinese and Latin American businesspeople in a context of economic cooperation.

According to Latin American and Chinese media, 18 cooperation agreements were reached at the XIV Summit, 8 of them between Chinese and Latin American companies, amounting to more than US$ 1 billion. The sectors involved in the agreements are livestock, mining, automobiles, and medical equipment. The XV edition of the event will be held in Guayaquil, Ecuador, in November 2022.

Main stories:

Juárez Hoy (2021). Pese a pandemia crece comercio entre China y América Latina.

Xinhua (2021). Cumbre empresarial China-América Latina y el Caribe sella acuerdos por más de 1000 millones de dólares.


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