Empresa estadounidense compró alto porcentaje de participación en puertos del canal de Panamá

U.S. company acquired a high stake in Panama Canal ports.

U.S. company buys stake in Panama Canal ports, which previously belonged to Hong Kong company CK Hutchison.

Bolivia instaura planta siderúrgica, con financiamiento chino

Bolivia establishes steel plant, with Chinese financing

Bolivia established a new steel plant in Mutún, financed by a chinese bank, with the capacity to cover half of the country’s steel demand.

Delegación china visita Uruguay para la posesión del nuevo presidente

Chinese delegation visits Uruguay for the inauguration of the new president

Han Jun, China’s Minister of Agriculture, visited Uruguay to attend President Yamandú Orsi’s inauguration and strengthen bilateral relations between both countries.

China interrumpe la importación de productos cárnicos de Argentina, Brasil y Uruguay

China halts meat imports from Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay

China suspended beef imports from Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay, affecting several exporters. The measure may respond to an oversupply that impacted domestic prices.

Nicaragua y China firman acuerdo para construcción de parque eólico

Nicaragua and China sign an agreement for the construction of a wind farm

Nicaragua and China sign an agreement for the construction of a wind farm in the municipality of San Nicolás, Nicaragua. A contribution of 66 million euros will be made.

China y Ecuador aperturan nueva ruta comercial

China and Ecuador open a new trade route

Ecuador and China open a new trade route through the Port of Chancay, which will reduce costs and shipping times for export products.

Provincia de Santa Cruz y pesquera china Hong Dong firman compromiso de inversión

Province of Santa Cruz and Chinese fishing company Hong Dong sign an investment commitment

The governor of Santa Cruz signed an agreement with the Chinese company Hong Dong and the Argentine company Hexarmona Capital, which includes an investment of USD 200 million in the region’s fishing sector.

Panamá tramita la segunda demanda contra empresa China por el control del canal

Panama files second lawsuit against Chinese company over control of the canal

The Panama Ports subsidiary of the Chinese company Hutchison Holdings faces a lawsuit as its concession, which grants it control over two ports in the Panama Canal, is considered unconstitutional.

Mafias chinas en Brasil: un problema de seguridad

Chinese Mafias in Brazil: A Security Issue

Chinese mafias operating in São Paulo, Brazil, engage in crimes such as kidnapping, extortion, theft, and arms trafficking, contributing to the city’s security problems.

Uruguay regala toros a China como símbolo de su interés en la exportación genética

Uruguay gifts bulls to China as a symbol of its interest in genetic exports

Uruguay sent three bulls to China as a symbolic gesture to promote the export of bovine genetics and strengthen livestock development in the Asian country.

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