Ecuadorian Navy resumes campaign to target illegal Chinese fishing

Ecuadorian Navy resumes training exercises to combat illegal fishing in Ecuadorian waters

China and Mexico establish new direct maritime route

The new maritime route between Mexico and China promises to reduce the 10-day journey time between the two countries, allowing a greater opening of the Mexican market.

Chinese multinational sues Colombia for lack of protection at gold mine

The Zijin Mining Group is taking Colombia to the ICSID for the lack of safety at the Buriticá mine.

Chinese floating hospital operating unlawfully in Peruvian waters

Chinese flagged squid vessel operates illegally as a floating hospital in the southeastern Pacific Ocean, near the Peruvian sea limit.

Identifying and Tracking Chinese State-Owned Companies in the Andean Region (2000 – 2023)

The purpose of this study is to identify and track projects undertaken by major Chinese state-owned holdings in five Andean countries of South America: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela, from 2000 to 2023. Nine state-owned holdings were selected based on their significant and extensive involvement in project implementation in these countries, and their clear alignment with the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) economic and political strategy in the region.

Peru seeks to implement Special Economic Zone in Chancay Megaport

Dina Boluarte’s government evaluates the possibility of declaring the mega port of Chancay as a Special Economic Zone, after her recent visit to China.

Chinese company Ganfeng sues Mexico for revoking lithium concessions

Chinese company Ganfeng has filed a lawsuit against Mexico at ICSID, alleging the cancellation of concessions for the construction of a mega lithium mine in Sonora.

Nicaragua agrees $282 million loan deals with China

Daniel Ortega authorized the signing of two loans with Chinese companies, totaling $282 million, for infrastructure projects and strengthening the national emergency system.

Visa China

Ecuador suspends visa exemption with China

A report by the Wilson Center indicates that there has been a significant change in the immigration routes of Chinese citizens to the United States, with an increase in those crossing the southern border and seeking political asylum

Venezuela announces energy plan with China in midst of electoral campaign

The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, announced a plan to generate 3,000 megawatts of solar energy in the Venezuelan Andes, in collaboration with China, India, and Turkey.

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