China seeks to strengthen cooperation with Argentina, Peru and Bolivia to promote the Belt and Road

China meets with counterparts from Argentina, Peru and Bolivia to strengthen cooperation with Latin countries and boost its Belt and Road initiative

Free Trade Agreement between China and Ecuador comes into effect

The FTA extends to a wide range of products, from chocolate and cocoa powder to tuna, heart of palm, and jams, among others. Photo: Pixabay. This May 1st marked the beginning of a new stage in the trade relations between Ecuador and China with the entry into force of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between […]

Nicaragua to develop new solar plant with Chinese investment

The construction of a solar photovoltaic power plant with a capacity of 67.3 megawatts, to be built by the Chinese state-owned company CCCC, was announced in Nicaragua

Peru and China reactivate Economic and Technical Cooperation Commission

Peru and China reactivated the Joint Intergovernmental Commission for Economic and Technical Cooperation after nine years

Argentina seeks to increase Chinese investments in energy and lithium during Beijing visit

Chancellor Diana Mondino highlights a plan that focuses on increasing investments in energy and lithium, increasing meat exports and the decision to support the “one China” stance

China represented nearly 30% of smuggling in Colombia between 2018 and 2022

One of the highlighted points is that China represents nearly 30% of the total smuggling entering Colombia during this period

Bolivia and China strengthen bilateral relations following Beijing meeting

Foreign Minister Celinda Sosa met with her Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi, in Beijing, agreeing on a plan to strengthen bilateral cooperation between Bolivia and China

Foreign Ministers of Argentina, Peru and Bolivia travel to China 

Foreign Ministers of Argentina, Peru and Bolivia seek to strengthen relations with China, given its growing interest in Latin America. During the visit, key issues such as trade, investment and cooperation in technology and infrastructure will be discussed

Venezuela and China strike deal for joint scientific projects

The agreements are aimed at strengthening the national productive apparatus through research and development lines linked to Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, deep learning, bioagriculture, and other areas related to industrialization and robotics

Honduras unable to export shrimp to China despite agreement 

Photo: Pexels. The Honduran shrimp sector is facing a growing concern following complications regarding the exporting of shrimp to China, despite having signed an agreement earlier this year precisely for the export of said product to the Chinese market.  Despite this agreement, the Central American country has still not been able to export a single pound […]

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