Firma China Chec Presenta Proyecto de Expansión del Metro de Bogotá

Chinese Firm Chec Submits Expansion Project for Bogotá Metro

The Chinese firm CHEC has submitted a prefeasibility proposal to extend Bogotá Metro’s Line 1 to Calle 100.

Lavado de dinero en América Latina: La conexión china

Money Laundering in Latin America: The Chinese Connection

China expands its influence in Latin America through underground networks, money laundering, and corruption, affecting economic stability and regional security.

Bolivia gestiona el Corredor Ferroviario Bioceánico con Brasil, Perú y China

Bolivia manages the Bi-Oceanic Railway Corridor initiative in collaboration with Brazil, Peru, and China

Bolivia advances the bi-oceanic railway with Brazil, Peru, and China to reduce costs and logistics times in the region.

Tensiones diplomáticas crecen entre Paraguay, China y Taiwán

Diplomatic Tensions Rise Between Paraguay, China, and Taiwan

China pressures Paraguay to break ties with Taiwan, escalating diplomatic tensions and challenging their historic relationship.

China Invierte en Colombia: El Megaproyecto del Corredor La Dorada-Chiriguaná

China Invests in Colombia: La Dorada-Chiriguaná Corridor Megaproject

China invests in the La Dorada-Chiriguaná Corridor, enhancing Colombia’s connectivity and competitiveness with a key megaproject.

China adquiere mina estratégica en Brasil

China Acquires Brazil’s Largest Tin Mine in Strategic $340 Million Deal

China acquires Brazil’s Pitinga mine for $340M, securing access to key strategic minerals and sparking controversy over sovereignty and resources.

Comercio chino desplaza intermediarios en México

Chinese Trade Eliminates Intermediaries in Mexico

Chinese merchants eliminate intermediaries in Mexico, taking direct control of their product distribution and transforming trade in Mexico City

China aumenta su influencia en el sector marítimo de América Latina

China expands its influence in Latin America’s maritime sector

China expands its influence in Latin America through strategic port investments and record exports, redefining regional maritime trade.

China consiguió la concesión de un nuevo yacimiento minero en Nicaragua

China secured the concession for a new mining site in Nicaragua

The regime of Daniel Ortega, one of Xi Jinping’s allies in the region, maintains a close relationship with the Asian giant, which has also been implementing a free trade agreement with Nicaragua since the beginning of the year.

China hace alarde de la relación bilateral con México: productos chinos fortalecieron al sector mexicano

China Boasts of Bilateral Relationship with Mexico: Chinese Products Strengthened the Mexican Sector

China hace alarde de la relación bilateral con México: productos chinos fortalecieron al sector mexicano. A su vez asegura que la ‘politización’ de sus asuntos económicos y comerciales con otros países, como México, ‘no beneficia’ a nadie.

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