Perspectivas sobre la participación de China en las cumbres de BRICS, APEC y G-20

Perspectives on China’s Participation in the BRICS, G-20, and APEC Summits

Xi Jinping’s participation reflected his plan to strengthen China’s global influence through strategic ambiguity. The Chinese leader also sought to minimize tensions with Western democracies in a context marked by Donald Trump’s return to the White House.

Argentina y China acuerdan nuevos protocolos de exportación agropecuaria

Argentina and China Agree on New Agricultural Export Protocols

Argentina and China agree on export protocols for agricultural products, including the valuable “bovine gold”

Brasil y China Firman 37 Acuerdos: Argentina sin avances

Brazil and China Sign 37 Agreements: Argentina makes no progress

Brazil and China strengthen their cooperation with 37 strategic agreements, while Argentina seeks progress but achieves no concrete results

China Media Group y medios peruanos firman acuerdo

China Media Group and Peruvian Media Sign Agreement

América TV and El Comercio partner with China Media Group to create joint cultural content and explore the Chinese media market.

Chancay: Un nuevo corredor entre la Ruta Inca y la Ruta de la Seda Marítima

Chancay: A New Gateway Connecting the Inca Trail and the Maritime Silk Road

The Chancay Port, a bridge between Peru and Asia, boosts global trade under the Belt and Road Initiative and redefines regional geopolitics.

El megaproyecto de Chancay: ¿Oportunidad económica o preocupación estratégica?

China’s Chancay Mega Port: Economic Opportunity or Strategic Concern?

The Chancay port links Asia and Latin America, symbolizing Chinese investment, economic opportunities, and geopolitical tensions with the United States.

El puerto de Chancay: un nuevo eje estratégico en el comercio transpacífico y la influencia china en América Latina

Chancay Port: A New Strategic Hub in Transpacific Trade and China’s Influence in Latin America

The inauguration of the Chancay Port marks a milestone in Sino-Peruvian relations, strengthening transpacific trade and China’s influence.

Inauguración del Megapuerto de Chancay desde Palacio de Gobierno

Xi Jinping: “Chancay Will Generate Shared Gains and Regional Benefits”

The Chancay port, inaugurated by Xi Jinping, connects Asia and Latin America, reduces logistics costs, and is South America’s first smart and green port.

Perú y China Impulsan Sostenibilidad en Puertos y Transporte Marítimo

Peru and China Promote Sustainability in Ports and Maritime Transport

Peru and China sign agreements to strengthen sustainable maritime transport, promoting digitalization, security, and carbon reduction in port infrastructure.

Puerto de Chancay: Litigio entre Cosco y las autoridades peruanas

Chancay Megaport: Dispute Between Cosco and Peruvian Authorities

The Chancay Megaport dispute highlights a regulatory conflict between Cosco and Ositran over control and supervision, raising concerns about foreign capital’s influence.

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