Balance de las relaciones sino latinoamericanas en 2024

China and Latin America: Navigating Growth and Frictions in 2024

Through significant investments, trade agreements, and increasing interest in strategic sectors such as infrastructure, mining, and technology, China expanded its influence, generating both opportunities and tensions across various fronts.

Empresas Chinas y afectaciones socioambientales en los países de la región Andina: una responsabilidad compartida

Chinese Companies and Socio-Environmental Impacts in the Andean Region: A Shared Responsibility

Analysis of Shared Responsibility Between Andean States and Chinese Companies to Protect Rights, Safeguard the Environment, and Promote Responsible Investment under the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

Oportunidades para América Latina en el marco del conflicto arancelario entre China y la Unión Europea

Tariff Tensions Between China and the European Union: A Commercial Opportunity for Latin America

Review of Potential Opportunity Scenarios for Latin America’s Dairy Trade in the Context of the Tariff Conflict Between China and the European Union.

El Megapuerto de Chancay: Oportunidades, Retos y la Influencia de China en Perú

The Chancay Megaport: Opportunities, Challenges and China’s Influence in Peru

An analysis of the possible geopolitical, economic and social impacts of China’s construction of the port of Chancay in Peru.

The future of China-Venezuela relations as Venezuelans head to the polls

How Venezuela’s upcoming presidential elections could shape the future of its relations with China.

The Diplomatic Chess Between China and Guatemala

The recent diplomatic tension between Guatemala and China highlights the complexities of maintaining official relations with Taiwan.