Pesca ilegal china con flotas encubiertas en el Mar Argentino

Chinese illegal fishing with concealed fleets in the Argentine Sea

China intensifies illegal fishing in the Argentine Sea using flags of convenience from countries like Vanuatu and Cameroon to conceal its involvement.

Venezuela y China firman contrato para instalación de granja solar.

Venezuela and China Sign Contract for Solar Farm Installation

China and Venezuela signed bilateral cooperation agreements, which allowed the installation of the largest solar farm in the country to begin.

China invierte $200 millones para modernizar seis aeropuertos en Colombia

China Invests $200 Million in Colombian Airports

China invests $200 million to upgrade six airports in Colombia.

Empresa china CNOOC se retira del sector de exploración y producción petrolera en México

Chinese company CNOOC withdraws from Mexico’s oil exploration and production sector

Chinese oil company CNOOC exits Mexico after returning its last assets in the Gulf due to low profitability in exploration and production.

Argentina moderniza su sistema ferroviario con inversión china

Argentina Modernizes Its Railway System with Chinese Investment

Argentina upgrades its railway network with Chinese investment, including locomotives, spare parts, and workshop improvements.

La competencia en el sector automotriz y de baterías en América Latina

The Competition in the Automotive and Battery Sector in Latin America

China and the U.S. increase investments in the automotive and lithium battery market in Latin America, driven by economic, geostrategic, and political goals.

Inversión china financiará planta de zinc en Bolivia

Chinese Investment to Fund Bolivia’s Zinc Refinery

Bolivia advances a zinc refinery in Oruro, funded by Chinese investment, to strengthen industrialization and economic development.

Minería y derechos indígenas: el caso de Chinalco en Surinam

Mining and Indigenous Rights: The Case of Chinalco in Suriname

Chinalco’s mining project in Suriname endangers Indigenous lands, ancestral rights, and local ecosystems.

El megaproyecto en Nicaragua financiado por China: el Aeropuerto Internacional Punta Huete

The Megaproject in Nicaragua Financed by China: Punta Huete International Airport

China invested $500 million in the Punta Huete International Airport megaproject in Nicaragua as part of the Belt and Road Initiative.

China y el Canal de Panamá: una relación estratégica bajo la lupa

China and the Panama Canal: A Strategic Relationship Under Scrutiny

China’s investments in Panama, while boosting trade and infrastructure, raise concerns about sovereignty, security, and transparency in strategic projects.

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