Lista de exportadores de litio: Chile y China líderes, Argentina en medio y Bolivia cerrando la lista

List of lithium exporters: Chile and China leading, Argentina in the middle, and Bolivia closing the list

Chile and China lead the ranking of lithium carbonate exporters, while Argentina holds an intermediate position and Bolivia closes the list.

Exportaciones de carne aviar de Argentina hacia China son reanudadas

Argentina’s poultry meat exports to China are resumed

Argentina and the People’s Republic of China reinstated exports to the Asian country, which had ceased at the beginning of 2023. Additionally, sanitary protocols were signed for the export of dried fruits and gallstones.

De esta forma opera la flota pesquera china en límites de aguas territoriales argentinas

This is how the Chinese fishing fleet operates at the limits of Argentina’s territorial waters

Techniques used by Chinese vessels in Argentina’s territorial waters for illegal fishing and their impacts on the environment and the country’s fishing economy.

Pesca ilegal china: Argentina despliega una mayor vigilancia

Chinese illegal fishing: Argentina increases surveillance

The Argentine Navy has intensified surveillance against illegal fishing in the South Atlantic Exclusive Economic Zone due to the rising presence of Chinese-flagged vessels targeting native squid.

China interrumpe la importación de productos cárnicos de Argentina, Brasil y Uruguay

China halts meat imports from Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay

China suspended beef imports from Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay, affecting several exporters. The measure may respond to an oversupply that impacted domestic prices.

Provincia de Santa Cruz y pesquera china Hong Dong firman compromiso de inversión

Province of Santa Cruz and Chinese fishing company Hong Dong sign an investment commitment

The governor of Santa Cruz signed an agreement with the Chinese company Hong Dong and the Argentine company Hexarmona Capital, which includes an investment of USD 200 million in the region’s fishing sector.

Ganfeng Lithium amplía su presencia en Argentina con nueva planta en Salta

Ganfeng Lithium Expands in Argentina with New Plant in Salta

Ganfeng opens its lithium plant in Salta, strengthening China’s investment in Argentina.

Argentina y China: entre la ambigüedad nacional y el pragmatismo provincial

Argentina and China: Between National Ambiguity and Provincial Pragmatism

While Argentina’s government remains cautious with China, provinces deepen ties in investment, energy, and infrastructure, facing strategic challenges.

Argentina y China impulsan la transición energética en Catamarca

Argentina and China Boost Energy Transition in Catamarca

Catamarca begins construction of a 200 MW solar park with Power China, part of a 600 MW project set to double its energy capacity.

Pesca ilegal china con flotas encubiertas en el Mar Argentino

Chinese illegal fishing with concealed fleets in the Argentine Sea

China intensifies illegal fishing in the Argentine Sea using flags of convenience from countries like Vanuatu and Cameroon to conceal its involvement.

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