Diversificación estratégica y Derechos Humanos: desafíos para Colombia en su acercamiento comercial hacia China

Strategic Diversification and Human Rights: Challenges for Colombia in Its Commercial Approach to China

Colombia seeks to diversify trade relations with China, facing human rights challenges and geopolitical balances with the U.S. and the West.

Colombia y China inauguran ruta marítima directa entre Shanghái y Buenaventura

Colombia and China Launch Direct Maritime Route Between Shanghai and Buenaventura

The direct Shanghai-Buenaventura route boosts trade between Colombia and China.

China invierte $200 millones para modernizar seis aeropuertos en Colombia

China Invests $200 Million in Colombian Airports

China invests $200 million to upgrade six airports in Colombia.

Firma China Chec Presenta Proyecto de Expansión del Metro de Bogotá

Chinese Firm Chec Submits Expansion Project for Bogotá Metro

The Chinese firm CHEC has submitted a prefeasibility proposal to extend Bogotá Metro’s Line 1 to Calle 100.

China Invierte en Colombia: El Megaproyecto del Corredor La Dorada-Chiriguaná

China Invests in Colombia: La Dorada-Chiriguaná Corridor Megaproject

China invests in the La Dorada-Chiriguaná Corridor, enhancing Colombia’s connectivity and competitiveness with a key megaproject.

Gobierno de Petro y Zijin: entre reformas mineras y conflictos legales

Petro’s Government and Zijin: between Mining Reforms and Legal Disputes

Zijin Continental Gold faces conflict in Colombia: battling illegal mining and suing the State over lack of security at its gold mine in Buriticá, Antioquia

National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai)

Colombia participates in the seventh China International Import Expo

Colombia showcases its standout products at the seventh China International Import Expo in Shanghai.

China hands over the presidency of COP16 on biodiversity to Colombia

China hands over the presidency of COP16 on biodiversity to Colombia. The Chinese Minister of Ecology and Environment, Huang Runqiu, officially transferred the presidency of the global meeting to Colombia’s Minister of Environment today, Monday.

Chinese Ambassador to Colombia Provides Details on the Country’s Accession to the Belt and Road Initiative

The Chinese Ambassador to Colombia provided details on the country’s accession to the Belt and Road Initiative. The statements came after the visit of Colombian Foreign Minister Luis Gilberto Murillo to the Asian giant, where this topic was discussed with special interest.

Colombian Foreign Minister visits China to discuss Belt and Road Initiative

Colombian Foreign Minister Luis Gilberto Murillo meets with Chinese officials to discuss Colombia’s participation in the Belt and Road Initiative.

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