President of Paraguay warns About China’s influence in Latin America

Peña highlighted how the economic weakness of certain countries has been leveraged by China to expand its influence through financing public works, providing soft loans, and opening commercial markets.

Paraguay reaffirms ties with Taiwan despite pressure from China

Paraguayan President Santiago Peña reaffirmed Paraguay’s commitment to Taiwan during a meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida.

Taiwan to finance the development of housing units in Paraguay

The third disbursement of USD 2,387,830 was made for the construction of 862 homes for indigenous communities between Paraguay and Taiwan

Paraguayan parliamentary delegation visits Taiwan to strengthen ties

A parliamentary delegation from Paraguay has paid a visit to Taiwan, with the aim of strengthening bilateral ties.

Political tension between China and Paraguay following supposed imports

Statements made by the President of Paraguay regarding soybean exports to China have caused controversy in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China because of its relationship with Taiwan.

Taiwan and Paraguay negotiate investment project to develop electric buses

Taiwan’s Master Transportation Bus and Ambassador José Chih-Cheng Han presented a project to manufacture electric buses in Paraguay.

Taiwanese demand boosting Paraguayan pork exports

Paraguay has experienced growth in pig farming, attributing this boost to Taiwan, which absorbed 85% of shipments.

Paraguayan Finance Minister Announces Opening to Chinese Investments

Paraguay, the only country in South America that maintains diplomatic relations with Taiwan, is considering the possibility of attracting investments from China to boost its emerging green hydrogen industry, according to Carlos Fernández, the nation’s Minister of Economy and Finance. Paraguay has abundant water resources and renewable energy from its two major hydroelectric dams, placing it in a strategic position to produce green hydrogen and convert it into synthetic fuels and fertilizers.

President of Paraguay strengthens ties with Taiwan during visit to Taipei

Santiago Peña, the President-elect of Paraguay, who will assume the highest office in the country from next August, traveled to Taipei to meet with Tsai Ing-wen, the current President of Taiwan.

Taiwan accuses China of snatching its alliance with Paraguay ahead of the presidential elections

The Taiwanese Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Alexander Yui, stated that China is doing everything possible to “snatch” Paraguay away from Taiwan in light of the upcoming general elections scheduled for April 30th. During a parliamentary hearing, the official expressed, “It is a fact that China has been openly courting candidates from all parties,” as quoted by the official agency CNA.

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