Empresa china en Uruguay enfrenta acusaciones laborales

Chinese company in Uruguay faces labor accusations

Chinese company in Uruguay faces allegations of poor working conditions, exploitation, and safety violations.

China Investiga Importaciones de Carne: Uruguay Se Muestra Optimista

China Investigates Beef Imports: Uruguay Optimistic

China investigates beef imports over potential harm to its local industry. Uruguay, Brazil, and Argentina remain confident in protecting exports.

Lacalle Pou lamenta no haber concretado TLC con China y deja la tarea al próximo gobierno

Lacalle Pou regrets not finalizing the free trade agreement with China and leaves the task to the next government

Lacalle Pou urges Uruguay’s next president to continue with the FTA with China, despite obstacles in Mercosur and concerns from Argentina and Brazil.

$10 million Chinese biotechnology laboratory inaugurated in Uruguay

The BGI Genomics laboratory in Uruguay will focus on developing tests in key areas such as oncology and reproductive health

Uruguay sends first shipment of horse meat to China

First shipment of boneless horsemeat from Uruguay to China, produced by the Clay meat packing plant, left the country.

Representatives of China’s Ministry of Agriculture visit Uruguay

Uruguay received a delegation from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China.

Uruguay accuses Argentina and Brazil of hindering Free Trade Agreement with China

President Lacalle Pou points out interference of neighboring countries in trade negotiations with China.

Uruguayan trade with China decreased in 2023

The International Business Institute of the Catholic University of Uruguay revealed a deterioration in the trade balance between China and Uruguay during 2023.

China exploring Uruguayan beef imports following customs discussions

Uruguay and China meet to improve their Foreign Trade Single Windows (SWF) to facilitate trade between the two countries.

Uruguay’s Distress Message Reveals Evidence of Forced Labor in the Chinese Fishing Fleet

At the end of June this year, a woman on the beach in Maldonado (Piriápolis – Uruguay) found a bottle with a message written in Chinese, ending with ‘S.O.S.’, indicating a call for help. The Piriápolis City Prefecture initiated an investigation and deciphered the message, revealing that it came from a crew member of the Chinese vessel Lu Qing Yuan Yu 765, which had been trapped by its company.

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