Agreement for the construction of an astronomical observatory between Chile and China is being analyzed by the South American country.
Photo: Flickr.
According to a report by the media outlet NTN24, Chile’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Wednesday, February 19, that they were reviewing the agreement for the construction of the Ventarrones Astronomical Park, which is planned to be located near some of the world’s largest telescopes in the north of the country. This Chinese-origin project is still under evaluation to determine whether it will be approved.
Regarding this matter, Chile’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that “the project is under review and has not been canceled.” The agreement was signed between the government of the People’s Republic of China and the Universidad Católica Privada del Norte, a Chilean educational institution. It is worth noting that the signing took place in 2016 when Chinese President Xi Jinping made a state visit to Chile, at which time an initial investment of $20 million was considered.
The Chilean government’s review of this agreement came after the U.S. media outlet Newsweek reported that the project could be used for military operations by the Asian country. This information, presented amid geopolitical tensions between the People’s Republic of China and the United States, led the South American country to reassess the agreement’s terms.
Chile’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that they had reached out to the rectorate of the Universidad Católica Privada del Norte and the Chinese Embassy in Chile to gather background information. Additionally, the ministry’s legal department mentioned that they are analyzing the nature of the agreement.
On the other hand, both the Universidad Católica Privada del Norte and the Chinese Embassy in Chile commented on the matter. The Chilean educational institution affirmed that any documentation or background information related to the agreement required by Chile’s Foreign Ministry would be made available. Furthermore, it stated that the project is currently in “the stage of obtaining sectoral permits.”
Meanwhile, the Chinese Embassy emphasized that this project is a transparent and open international initiative, unlike other countries that maintain military bases in various foreign nations but now seek to interfere in legitimate technological cooperation between third-party countries.
Conversely, without referring specifically to this project, the U.S. Embassy in Chile stated that “its concerns have long been clear” regarding the combination of academic, scientific, and military projects carried out by the Asian country. Additionally, it claimed that “the growing role of the Chinese Communist Party throughout the Western Hemisphere threatens the interests of the United States.”
Finally, it is important to note that the project’s potential location is in the Antofagasta region, 1,300 kilometers north of the South American country’s capital, specifically in the Atacama Desert, near ALMA and Paranal. These projects were built as a result of an agreement between the Chilean state and the European Southern Observatory (ESO), although in ALMA’s case, Japan is also involved.
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