Peru takes action against illegal Chinese fishing
Photo: Ministerio de Defensa del Perú Flickr.
Peru closed 2024 with a stronger stance against illegal Chinese fishing, granting its Armed Forces the legitimate use of force to combat illicit maritime activities. This decision comes in response to a severe crisis in the Peruvian fishing sector, particularly the sharp decline in giant squid exports, a key resource for the local economy.
According to the National Society of Artisanal Fisheries of Peru (SONAPESCAL), illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing by the Chinese fleet has caused millions in losses, affecting more than 20,000 fishermen and their families.
China operates the world’s largest distant-water fishing fleet, with over 17,000 vessels, of which between 400 and 600 regularly operate near Peru and other South American countries. These vessels frequently illegally enter territorial waters, defying local authorities and plundering marine ecosystems.
To counter this threat, in October, the Peruvian Congress approved a law regulating the use of force by the National Maritime Authority, which operates under the Armed Forces, to combat illegal fishing.
Additionally, in September, the government enacted a legislative decree introducing a satellite tracking system (SISESAT) for foreign-flagged fishing vessels, to be implemented through the Single Window for Foreign Trade (VUCE). This system will enhance monitoring and control of vessels entering Peruvian waters.
As part of its maritime security strategy, Peru also signed an agreement between the Ministry of Production (PRODUCE) and the Peruvian Navy to acquire two patrol boats equipped with advanced technology. These vessels will strengthen maritime traffic monitoring, help protect fishery resources, and support anti-drug trafficking operations.
Experts and organizations such as Global Fishing Watch have highlighted the importance of inter-institutional cooperation in the fight against illegal fishing, emphasizing that these measures will contribute to greater surveillance and conservation of marine resources in the country.
Main Source:
Perú estrecha el cerco a la pesca ilegal china – Diálogo Américas
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