Former mayor of Bogotá summoned for alleged corruption in the Bogotá Metro

Photo: Fundación ProBogotá – Flickr. The Office of the Attorney General summoned the former mayor of Bogotá, Claudia López, for questioning in relation to an investigation into alleged acts of corruption and illegal financing of a political campaign. This case focuses on possible irregularities in the financing of the metro project in Bogotá and the […]

Ecuador’s Public Prosecutor’s Office to file bribery charges in Sinohydro case after four-year investigation

The Ecuadorian Attorney General’s Office will finalize the investigation of the so-called INA Papers. After almost four years of investigation, the entity has renamed the process the Sinohydro case. The investigation focuses on a criminal structure that allegedly collected $76 million in bribes to the Chinese company Sinohydro, responsible for the construction of the Coca Codo Sinclair hydroelectric power plant during the government of Rafael Correa.

Corruption scandals involving Chinese oil companies and Ecuador

Nilsen Arias, former international trade manager of Petroecuador, is currently facing legal proceedings in the United States due to a series of corruption and money laundering scandals involving the Chinese company Petrochina.

Chinese company involved in corruption cases confirmed irregular business dealings in road tenders.

China Harbour Engineering Co. (CHEC) reported having found irregularities in the bribery case involving the Bolivian Highway Authority (ABC), which led to the dismissal of the company’s general manager, Jin Zhengyuan.

The Tarot Club

The Tarot Club is a group of Chinese companies, located in Peru, that used an illegal service in order to obtain public bids.

Chinese company reportedly bribed officials of the Bolivian Highway Administration

A pro-government congressman denounced a Chinese company for a millionaire bribe to officials of the Bolivian national road entity.

The latest on InaPapers

The ongoing investigation by the Ecuadorian authorities has led to the raid of the offices of Coca Codo Sinclair, a hydroelectric plant built in Ecuador. The construction of this plant involved Sinohydro, a Chinese state-owned company.

Investigations targeting Chinese companies that built hospital in Puno, Perú

In the case of the construction of a hospital in the city of Puno, Peru, China Weihai Construction Group Co Ltd. and China Railway No10 Engineering Group Co Ltd. are being investigated for allegedly obtaining the bid through certain illicit actions.

Venezuela, revolving door for Chinese interests in Latin America (Part I)

From investment to debt, the dangers of playing against loaded dice.

Between 2000 and 2014, Venezuela received more resources from China than any other country in the world. Despite being located some 14,000 kilometers away, a population of 30 million coupled with enormous energy potential, characterized by an erstwhile billion-dollar oil industry, held significant appeal to China. This, coupled with a new, nationalist political model that appeared compatible to China’s new commercial strategy, provided a catalyst for both nations to strengthen relations. Yet opacity has characterized the signing of almost 500 agreements.