Ecuador and Colombia to vaccinate the 6- to 11-year-old population with Sinovac

Ecuador started vaccination against the virus for children between 5 and 11 years of age, with Pfizer-BioNTech and Sinovac. In Colombia, the Ministry of Health may initiate the vaccination of minors between 6 and 11 years of age —especially those belonging to vulnerable populations— with the Coronavac vaccine, developed by the Sinovac laboratory.

Chinese donation to Trinidad and Tobago in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic

On October 9, the Chinese Government donated the equivalent of US$77,000 in laboratory supplies for Covid-19 testing to the Caribbean Public Health Agency based in Trinidad and Tobago.

Coronavirus and the Changing Face of Sino-Latin American Relations

From small nations such as Belize and Barbados to heavily populated countries like Mexico and Brazil, the Latin America-Caribbean region is one of infinite diversity. Similarly, the spectrum of productive capacity and levels of gross domestic product is as varied as its climate, flora, and fauna. If we are to develop a clearer understanding of the issues that impact the region as a whole, it is important to consider a variety of perspectives and opinions. To reflect this diversity, we interviewed six Latin American academics, asking them to consider the following question: how has COVID-19 affected the relationship between China and the countries that make up Latin America and the Caribbean?

COVID-19 aid from China to Latin America twice that of US as it increases investments in the region

The global paralysis caused by COVID-19 has brought the world economy into crisis. Yet amid such adversity, China has increased its capital export to Latin America through what analysts have dubbed “mask diplomacy.” Donations of medical supplies to the region in excess of $380m have been the instrument of its latest phase of expansion. Linked in some cases to the concept of guanxi (关系)—the networks of trust and reciprocity of Chinese philosophy—the stage is now being set for further expansion and the continuing battle for global leadership.

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