The Diplomatic Chess Between China and Guatemala

The recent diplomatic tension between Guatemala and China highlights the complexities of maintaining official relations with Taiwan.

China detains Guatemalan products due to its support for Taiwan

Professor Pedro Isern of the Cescos Foundation in Uruguay denounces the detention of Guatemalan shipments in Chinese ports as political retaliation for Guatemala’s support of Taiwan.

Taiwan lashes out at Bolivia for expressing solidarity with China following earthquake on island

Taiwan’s Foreign Minister lashes out at Bolivia for a message of solidarity with China after the earthquake.

Paraguay and Taiwan strengthen cooperation ties in Hualien Air Base

Paraguayan President Mario Abdo Benítez began an official visit to the Republic of China (Taiwan) from February 14 to 18, where he held important talks with different sectors related to military, commercial, technical, and cultural exchanges with the Asian nation.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Guatemala affirms support to Taiwan

Guatemala’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mario Búcaro, visited Taiwan to show his “support”.

Guatemala, Paraguay, and Argentina take a stand on Taiwan

As of July this year, the People’s Republic of China has undertaken military exercises -using live fire- on the border it shares with Taiwan. The development of these activities has created tension in the international system. In the Latin American and Caribbean, there have been several declarations in this regard.

The Cao Zhong Zhi Foundation donated assistive devices for people with physical disabilities in Haiti

On April 5th, the Taiwanese charity organization Cao Zhong Zhi Foundation, donated assistive devices for people with physical disabilities in Haiti. This donation was made through the US “Food for the Poor” organization.

Belize and the Republic of China promote commercial cooperation

The Seminar on the new era of investment and business opportunities within the framework of the Economic Cooperation Agreement (ECA) was held on March 10, 2022. The event was organized by the Embassy of Belize in the Republic of China (Taiwan), the Central American Trade Office, the China International Economic Cooperation Promotion Association, and the Latin American Trade Commission.

First cooperation project between Nicaragua and China

On December 9, 2021, after three decades of diplomatic relations with Taiwan, Nicaragua recognized the government of the People’s Republic of China. President Xi Jinping sent a delegation to the Central American country to conclude a new agreement. This will be the first cooperation project between the two countries and consists of a housing program.

Xiomara Castro: The new President of Honduras and the outlook for the country’s relations with China

November 28th marked the general elections in Honduras for a new Head of State. Candidate Xiomara Castro, of the Libertad y Fundación Party, won with 1,709,081 votes, equivalent to 50.63% of the total. The new leader has championed numerous proposals, one that has generated the most controversy due to its diplomatic consequences has to do with the breaking of bilateral relations with Taiwan to establish them with the People’s Republic of China.

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