Increased Importation of New Energy Vehicles from China

Latin America’s consumption of New Energy Vehicles has recently increased, with Chinese-imported electric vehicles having been widely accepted by the region’s population.

Plans to install a Chinese naval base in the province of Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, denied

The governor of Tierra del Fuego, Gustavo Melera, denied that the province is promoting the construction of a Chinese naval base within its borders.

Chinese company reportedly bribed officials of the Bolivian Highway Administration

A pro-government congressman denounced a Chinese company for a millionaire bribe to officials of the Bolivian national road entity.

Argentina was neutral before the complaint imposed by the U.S. to the People’s Republic of China

The US diplomatic initiative was rejected at the United Nations plenary meeting in Geneva by 19 votes to 17, with 11 abstentions, including the government of Alberto Fernandez.

Chinese maritime fishing fleet expansion is out of control in Latin America

The PRC’s fleet is one of the largest dedicated to squid fishery. This has provoked concern for local fishermen engaged in the activity, as well as various public and private institutions in South America.

Ecuador succeeds in restructuring its debt with the People’s Republic of China

Ecuador reached an agreement with Chinese banks to provide about $1.4 billion in debt relief through 2025.

Argentine province signs new strategic agreement with PowerChina

Governor of Tierra del Fuego (Argentina) Gustavo Melella signed a strategic agreement for the development of energy projects in Patagonia with Tu Shuipin, representative of PowerChina Energy in Argentina.

Huawei announces cloud expansion in Latin America

The Chinese tech company Huawei announced the expansion and improvement of its cloud business in Latin America, to boost digital transformation and development in the region.

Argentina seeks new investments in the People’s Republic of China with its own mining model

Sabino Vaca Narvaja, Argentina’s current ambassador to China, stated at the China Mining fair that the Argentine government’s objective is for the country “to have its own mining model, with clear rules, predictability and legal security for large long-term investments from China.”

China-Latin America retrospective art exchange exhibition

On September 17, the Retrospective Exhibition of Art Exchange between China and Latin America was inaugurated in the city of Xi’an, capital of Shaanxi province, located in the northwest of the Asian country

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