Nicaragua signs agreements with Chinese News Media

On December 9, 2021, Nicaragua acknowledged the government of the People’s Republic of China. Almost three months later, Daniel Edmundo Ortega Murillo, Media Coordinator of the Communication and Citizenship Council in Nicaragua, signed three Agreements with Media Groups and News Agencies of the People’s Republic of China.

Banco do Brasil receives a loan from a Chinese bank

Banco do Brasil received a US$ 500 million (R$ 2,576.8 million) loan from the China Development Bank (CDB) through its subscriber in Grand Cayman. The loan was signed on January 12 and is the first such financing between the two banks.

China is the Asian country with the largest investment in Colombia

ProColombia recently highlighted that China was the Asian country with the highest investment in Colombia in 2021, a leadership position it has maintained since 2018.

Cuba joins Chinese e-commerce platform

Cuba will sell products through the Chinese e-commerce platform JD WorldWide, one of the most important e-commerce platforms in China, along with Alibaba, Taobao, and Sunning, among others.

China: the main buyer of Uruguayan beef

Over the years, the records of the exchange of goods and services between Uruguay and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) have shown a positive balance of trade. Beef accounted for the largest share.

Xiaomi doubles sales in Chile

In 2019, the Chinese electronic equipment company, Xiaomi, opened its first store in Chile. In the last quarter of 2021, the company grew by 46%, leaving the technology company with a market share of 21% in Chile.

Ecuador and China sign cooperation agreement for vaccine production

In February 2022, the Ecuadorian Minister of Health, Ximena Garzón, visited the People’s Republic of China to attend various meetings geared towards strengthening cooperation in the area of public health. Following the visit, the Minister authorized the installation in Ecuador of a factory to manufacture Chinese-made vaccines against COVID-19 and other regular vaccines.

China and Argentina celebrate 50 years of diplomatic relations

February 19 this year marked the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Argentina and the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Argentina was one of the first countries in the region to establish diplomatic relations with China, following the reinstatement of China’s legal seat at the United Nations. 

The People’s Republic of China is offering multilateral courses and scholarships in Grenada

The People’s Republic of China is offering 4 virtual multilateral courses between March and April 2022: Seminar on Investment and Development, Seminar for officials and business leaders involved in the telecommunications and IT industry, Seminar on Educational computerization and training in edible mushroom technology.

Fifty years of diplomatic relations between Mexico and the People’s Republic of China

Political figures from both countries spoke at the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of these diplomatic relations. One of them was the President of the Board of the Senate of the Republic, Olga Sanchez Cordero, who endorsed the good faith that persists between the two nations.

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