Boost from China and growing demand: Electric car market in Peru

Photo: Electric Car recharging.jpg. By: Michael Movchin/Felix Müller. Source: WikiCommons. SUNARP figures indicate that that the sale of electric and hybrid vehicles in Peru has grown significantly in recent years. In 2022, 2,680 units of these vehicles were sold, representing an increase of 84.21% over the previous year. Conventional hybrids were the most marketed, followed […]

China outranks Colombia, Brazil and Peru as the largest Amazonian fish producer

In 2020, 59,400 tons of this species were produced in the Asian country, while Colombia produced 33,000 tons, Vietnam: 23,000, Peru: 2,100, and Brazil: 1,800. This is due to the fact that China, together with other Southeast Asian countries, has not only focused on fish production for human consumption, but has also become a leader in breeding Amazonian ornamental fish.

The Tarot Club

The Tarot Club is a group of Chinese companies, located in Peru, that used an illegal service in order to obtain public bids.

New port in Chancay Peru secures strategic point of trade with China

Cosco Shipping Ports, one of the largest companies in China (PRC), is making progress in the construction of the Chancay multipurpose port terminal, 80 kilometers north of the Peruvian capital, Lima

Repatriation of Peruvian cultural property on Chinese TV

China Central Television (CCTV) made a television segment in which it gave special coverage to the repatriation of the aforementioned goods and highlighted the work carried out by the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Culture.

The U.S.-China trade war and its impact on Peru

According to Daniel Velandia, chief economist of Credicorp Capital, the existing tension between the two countries has hindered Peru’s inflationary reduction, and increased the uncertainty regarding a global economic recession.

Peru subscribes to APEC environmental commitments

Working in conjunction with the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum, Peru’s performance in the area of sustainable development has been strong. This was evinced by Peru’s reiteration, in the most recent APEC forum, to establish and implement sustainable food systems and food security for its citizens.

Investigations targeting Chinese companies that built hospital in Puno, Perú

In the case of the construction of a hospital in the city of Puno, Peru, China Weihai Construction Group Co Ltd. and China Railway No10 Engineering Group Co Ltd. are being investigated for allegedly obtaining the bid through certain illicit actions.

Growing bilateral trade between Peru and China

According to the Chinese ambassador in Peru, Liang Yu, the trade volume between both countries exceeded US $37,000 in 2021.

Conflicts with indigenous communities and the Chinese MMG Ltd.

The Chinese company, MMG Ltd., is presently facing a conflict with different indigenous communities due to mining expansion projects in Peru.

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