China manufactures renewable energy train for Argentina

Photo: Heading for the mysterious darkness – Rumbo a las misteriosas tinieblas. By: Raúl Alejandro Rodríguez. Source: Flickr.

One of China’s leading high-speed train manufacturers, CRRC Tangshan Co., has successfully manufactured the first renewable energy light rail train for Argentina. The train will be used in the transportation system of the Jujuy province in Argentina as part of the country’s railway modernization plan. This articulated model operates with two lithium iron phosphate batteries and can reach a maximum speed of 60 km/h, with a capacity to carry between 72 and 388 passengers. Additionally, it features intelligent functions such as facial recognition and an informative interaction system for passengers.

The President of China Railway Rolling Corporation (CRRC) Tangshan, Zhou Junnian, highlighted that this project, in addition to contributing to the tourism development of Jujuy, will establish a new model of mutually beneficial cooperation between Latin American countries and China. Furthermore, in January 2022, Argentina signed three memoranda of understanding with CRRC and China Railway International Group (GRID) to advance the “railway transport modernization plan.”

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Newsroom Infobae. (2023, 7 de junio). Primer tren ligero chino para exportación entra en fábrica y será enviado a Argentina.

Find out more:

Helman, D. Infozona. (2023, 9 de junio). China fabricó el primer tren ligero impulsado por nuevas energías para Argentina.

Xinhua. Milenio. (2023, 7 de junio). China construye trenes de energía renovable para Argentina.
