Minerva and high Chinese demand
Photo: Dairy cows on pasture in Ireland.jpg By: Martin Abegglen. Source. WikiCommons.
Minerva affirmed that it will continue to meet Chinese beef demand through four slaughter units, three in Uruguay and one in Argentina. This follows a confirmed case of mad cow disease in the state of Pará in Brazil. Minerva, South America’s leading beef processor and exporter, present in Colombia, Chile, and Paraguay, assured that the strategy will prevent its market share from being affected as China is the largest importer of Brazilian product and has a protocol for suspending business in the event of cases of atypical Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, something that has already occurred in the past.
Samples of the animal were sent to a reference laboratory in Alberta, Canada, in order to confirm whether the case is atypical, so that it does not present risks to the food chain. Notably, according to data from the Secretariat of Foreign Trade, Brazil exported US$ 13 billion worth of beef in 2022, 42% more than the previous year, and China bought more than half of all that meat.
Top Headline:
Brasil. La Nación (2023). Minerva atenderá demanda china con unidades en Argentina y Uruguay tras caso de “vaca loca”
Find out more:
Montevideo Portal (2023). Tras freno a ventas de Brasil, frigorífico de Uruguay abastecerá demanda china de carne.
El País. Gual, R. J. (2023). Brasil detecta un caso de “vaca loca” y suspende las exportaciones de carne bovina a China.