Nicaragua participates in global development forum held in China

Photo: Viaje de Pedro Sánchez a China: Boao (30/03/2023). By: La Moncloa Gobierno de España. Source: Flickr.

A delegation from Nicaragua attended a high-level development conference in China, organized by the China Cooperation Agency. Key members of the Nicaraguan administration represented the country. The presidential advisor for investment, trade, and international cooperation, along with the Minister of Finance and Public Credit, met with Lou Zhaouhui, the president of the hosting agency, to strengthen ties. They exchanged greetings, expressed gratitude for the hospitality during their respective visits, and recalled their cooperative dialogues on thermal energy and housing construction.

During the occasion, Zhaouhui informed about the approval of new cooperation projects: the Chinese government will supply 500 passenger buses and 2,500 metric tons of Urea to bolster the Latin American country’s domestic production. The Nicaraguan delegation highlighted the significance of China’s “unconditional solidarity” with their country, affirming that it greatly contributes to creating opportunities for developing nations.

Top headline: 

Prensa Latina. (2023, July). Nicaragua participa en foro de desarrollo global en China

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El 19 Digital. Nicaragua participa en primera conferencia del Foro de Acción Global para el Desarrollo Compartido
