Asia Pacific Economic Forum (APEC) 2022

The last Asia Pacific Economic Forum (APEC) meeting was held in Thailand on November 16. Chilean President Gabriel Boric also attended the meeting

Mauricio Hurtado, Chile’s new ambassador to the PRC

Chilean President Gabriel Boric appointed Mauricio Hurtado as Chile’s new ambassador to the People’s Republic of China.

Manufacturing of Sinovac Vaccines in Chile

At the end 2021, Sinovac Biotech announced plans to build a vaccine production plant in Chile. The plant,is expected to be ready by 2023.

China: Chile’s major clothing supplier

Currently, China is the largest exporter of clothing to Chile, according with the report presented by Chile’s National Chamber of Commerce.

Growing presence of the People’s Republic of China in Latin America

China’s (PRC) great commitment in the last decade has been of great importance, the Asian country saw a great opportunity in the region and has pushed to maintain an important presence.

The impact of Chinese companies on transportation in Chile

An example of the above is the case of Foton, a company that specializes in the manufacture of commercial vehicles, and which has seen the highest international sales in its history in Chile.

Failed appointment of Andreas Pierotic as Ambassador to China

The Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs withdrew the appointment of the Chilean Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China, Andreas Pierotic, despite the fact that the decision was made after China granted the agreement requested by Chile at the beginning of March.

China advances towards Latin America

A meeting was held between China’s Foreign Ministry’s LAC director general, Cai Wei, and ALADI general secretary, Sergio Abreu in which the former manifested China’s interest in assimilating Latin American trade, understanding how it works, its strategies and instruments, and its application of the most favored nation principle.

Investigation revealed that Chinese mafia “Fujian Bang” operates in Chile

An investigation carried out by the Chilean newspaper La Tercera revealed the existence of a relationship between local and Chinese criminals; the latter were identified as coming from a gang known as “Bang de Fujian”

Chile continues to be the world’s leading cherry producer

Chile continues to be the world’s leading cherry producer, driven by Chinese consumption. The president of the Chilean Federation of Fruit Producers (Fedefruta), Jorge Valenzuela, highlighted the following: “We continue to be number one…”

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