Huawei in Argentina sanctioned by customs due to undeclared import of software

Huawei’s Argentine subsidiary is being fined by the Argentine Customs for not declaring the import of software, which resulted in unpaid taxes amounting to US$ 28 million and a fine of US$ 2 million. Argentine Customs argued that the Chinese company could not have imported equipment without purchasing the software and without paying the license fees to the parent company in China.

Economic and technological ties between China and Argentina: a review of their “strategic cooperation”

A U.S. non-governmental organization has published a report on the cooperation between Argentina and China in aerospace development. The report, entitled “The Chinese Communist Party in Argentina: The International Engagement of China’s Space Industry,” explains the hierarchical responsibility that the Communist Party and the People’s Liberation Army have in defining China’s internal economic rules and global strategic plans in projects such as those in Neuquén and San Juan.

Competition between provinces to host a Chinese electric vehicle plant

The company has announced that it will produce 20 vehicle models, including electric (BEV), hybrid (HEV), and internal combustion (IEC). It also stated that Argentina will be the production center for electric cars in the region, with a two-stage investment over a 7-year period.

China lifted suspensions on Argentine fishing establishments

The lifting of the suspension, which in turn releases Argentina from the obligation to provide biweekly reports on the status of Covid-19 cases in authorized fishing establishments, is effective as of February 14, 2023.

Train modernization project

The Argentine ambassador to China, met with Chinese businessmen to make progress on urban train modernization projects in Argentina.

Argentina at the V Sino-Latin American Defense Forum

Argentina’s Minister of Defense, Jorge Taiana, attended The V Sino-Latin American Defense Forum, stating that the meeting is a necessary multilateral stage in which to address the current global scenario.

Argentina at the 10th China Science and Technology City International High-Tech Expo

The 10th China Science and Technology City International High-Tech Expo took place from November 16 to 19 in the city of Mianyang, Sichuan province. Argentina was the guest of honor.

Foreign exchange trading facilities between Argentina and the People’s Republic of China

The President of China, Xi Jinping, met with Argentine President, Alberto Fernández, on November 15, on the occasion of the G20 summit in Bali. The leaders agreed to extend a foreign exchange agreement for US$ 5 billion.

Espejo de Palabras

The end of October saw the launch of the television program Espejo de Palabras (Mirror of words), a joint production by Télam and the Argentine National News Agency, television agencies of Argentina, and CGTN of China.

Plans to install a Chinese naval base in the province of Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, denied

The governor of Tierra del Fuego, Gustavo Melera, denied that the province is promoting the construction of a Chinese naval base within its borders.

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