Ecuadorian Navy resumes campaign to target illegal Chinese fishing

Ecuadorian Navy resumes training exercises to combat illegal fishing in Ecuadorian waters

Paraguay reaffirms ties with Taiwan despite pressure from China

Paraguayan President Santiago Peña reaffirmed Paraguay’s commitment to Taiwan during a meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida.

Peru seeks to improve the FTA with China ahead of APEC summit

Peru seeks to improve FTA with China at APEC 2024 to strengthen its trade position.

Taiwan lashes out at Bolivia for expressing solidarity with China following earthquake on island

Taiwan’s Foreign Minister lashes out at Bolivia for a message of solidarity with China after the earthquake.

Argentinian Foreign Minister to visit China in bid to strengthen relations

The government of Argentina will send its foreign minister on an official visit to China to boost bilateral cooperation and strengthen strategic ties.

Venezuela reiterates commitment to ‘one China’ policy

Venezuela reiterates its recognition of the People’s Republic of China as the only legitimate government.

Argentina’s New President and the China Threat Narrative

The possible evolution of the relationship between Argentina and China with the arrival of Javier Milei to the presidency.

Presidentes Petro y Xi Jinping

The Colombian Government is Reviewing a Draft to Join China’s Belt and Road Initiative

The Colombian government is actively exploring the possibility of participating in China’s ‘Belt and Road’ investment initiative.

Los presidentes de Argentina y China en reunión

China and Argentina establish Closer Ties Within the Belt and Road Initiative

Argentine President Alberto Fernández has traveled to China to attend  the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation.

Presidente de Chile Gabriel Boric en China

Chile and China Sign 13 New Cooperation Agreements

Chile’s President, Gabriel Boric, participated in a State visit to China this month, during which 13 cooperation agreements have been signed.

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