Progress of the Bogota Metro is threatened by the Chinese concessionaire’s non-compliance

Photo: 2019 Bogotá – Avenida Caracas con calle 24 B.jpg By: Felipe Restrepo Acosta. Source: WikiCommons.

The Bogotá Metro Company has initiated a sanctioning process against the Chinese licensee of the Metro Línea 1 due to their failure to respond to the observations made by the project’s oversight entity. So far, only 41% of the required 315 deliverables have received approval from the oversight entity. If the concessionaire does not address these observations, they will be subject to a daily fine of 50 times the legal monthly minimum wage.

Despite this setback, the progress of the Linea 1 of the Bogotá Metro stands at 20%, including important activities such as land acquisition and progress in the construction of the workshop and precast plant.

Despite the current situation, the General Manager of the Bogotá Metro Company has expressed that confidence in the project remains intact, and measures are being taken to address the observations raised by the oversight entity. Although there is a delay in the approval of deliverables, significant progress has been made in key aspects of the project. The acquisition of land and the construction of the workshop and precast plant are significant milestones in the implementation of the First Line of the Bogotá Metro. The company continues to work towards overcoming obstacles and ensuring the successful completion of the project as a whole.

Top headline:

infobae. Escobar, J. P. (2023, Mayo 6). Metro de Bogotá: iniciaron proceso sancionatorio contra concesionario chino.

Find out more:

Minuto30. Noreña, M. (2023, May 6). Metro de Bogotá tomará acciones sancionatorias contra el Consorcio chino por incumplir con la Entrega de los Diseños.
