China-Colombia relations are at an all-time high

Photo: China Colombia Locator.png. By: SSYoung. Source: WikiCommons.

Ingrid Chaves, director of the Colombian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce, spoke to Portafolio about the progress of diplomatic relations with China and the changes expected with the new government: “this year marks 43 years since the beginning of diplomatic relations and before the pandemic, China became the country’s second partner in trade and the first Asian investor in Colombia,” said Chaves. Likewise, in order to deepen diplomatic relations, which are at their best right now, she highlighted the appointment of Sergio Cabrera as Colombia’s ambassador to China, and the official’s expertise in relation to China, which promotes relations with entities.

He also addressed the Belt and Road initiative -of which almost 20 Latin American countries are members- noting that, more than a trade agreement, it represents a matter of friendship and mutual benefits. Regarding China’s participation in Colombia, Chaves affirmed that the Asian country is the main investor. “We have about 40 companies that have decided to invest, from these, we have a total of US$2,000 million and 40,000 jobs have been created. This at the end of last year.” Chaves also discussed issues related to tourism, exports and imports, infrastructure projects, and tariffs.

Top Headline:

Portafolio. Rodríguez, D. (2023). Relaciones entre Colombia y China pasan por su mejor momento.
