Ecuador and China sign cooperation agreement for vaccine production

In February 2022, the Ecuadorian Minister of Health, Ximena Garzón, visited the People’s Republic of China to attend various meetings geared towards strengthening cooperation in the area of public health. Following the visit, the Minister authorized the installation in Ecuador of a factory to manufacture Chinese-made vaccines against COVID-19 and other regular vaccines.

The People’s Republic of China is offering multilateral courses and scholarships in Grenada

The People’s Republic of China is offering 4 virtual multilateral courses between March and April 2022: Seminar on Investment and Development, Seminar for officials and business leaders involved in the telecommunications and IT industry, Seminar on Educational computerization and training in edible mushroom technology.

Guyana’s booming economy boosts bilateral trade with China

Estimates by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) show Guyana’s economy expanding by 46%, making it one of the few countries in the Latin American and Caribbean region to show economic growth. The Chinese government noted that Guyana’s economic boom, driven by the oil and gas sector, has resulted in a doubling of bilateral trade in the past two years.

Joe Vieira Park, a new monument of friendship between Guyana and China

Joe Viera Park is located in Schoonord, West Bank Demerara in Guyana. The park is currently abandoned and is serving as a habitat for local wildlife. In 2022, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and Guyana will be celebrating their 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations which were established in 1972. To mark the occasion, the PRC has decided to invest US$10-12 million to build a Friendship Park between the two countries, using the Joe Viera Park as a base.

The rise of Artificial Intelligence

In 2019, China and Cuba announced the creation of the International Artificial Intelligence Research Institute. However, it was not until January of this year that such cooperation was provided.

Laureano Ortega signs four agreements with the People’s Republic of China on behalf of the regime

President Daniel Ortega together with his wife and Vice President, Rosario Murillo, and his son, Laureano Ortega Murillo, met with an official delegation from the PRC, led by Cao Jianming, special envoy of President Xi Jinping. Four cooperation agreements were signed between the two nations at the meeting.

Peru receives vaccine donation from China

Peru received a batch of more than one million doses of Sinopharm against the coronavirus, donated by the Chinese government, on November 13.

XIV China – Latin America and the Caribbean Business Summit

The annual XIV China-Latin America and the Caribbean Business Summit, first held in 2007, was held this year on November 16 and 17, in the city of Chongqing. The Summit connected Chinese and Latin American businesspeople in a context of economic cooperation.

Meeting between the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of China (NPC) and the President of the Peruvian Congress

Li Zhanshu, chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC), met with Peru’s President of Congress, Maria del Carmen Alva, via video call on November 10. Li said that China-Peru relations have developed rapidly and have deepened mutual political trust and improved economic and trade cooperation.

Xi Jinping attends the Economic Leaders’ Meeting at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC)

The Forum’s 28th Economic Leaders’ Meeting was held on November 12, with the online presence of Chinese President Xi Jinping.

The President’s speech was based on five main points, all of which directly involved the Latin American countries that are part of the Forum.

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